Wednesday, March 27, 2013


"Meh" is my way of saying I just don't have anything interesting to say. I guess I kinda blew my load on blogging last week. 

I had my first post-op follow up appt. with my surgeon this morning and he said everything looks great and I'm cleared to start eating soft/mushy foods, which is wonderful news.  I made myself an awesome lunch for tomorrow: sliced cucumber, tuna salad and cottage cheese.  I had planned on having it for dinner tonight but it didn't work out.  And for breakfast I made a vanilla protein shake with banana and peanut butter, and a small drizzle of SF Torani caramel syrup.  It was hard not to continue dipping my finger in the peanut butter, which one of my favorite snacks.

See, I told you I had nothing good to say!  Yet I think I'm still going to post this  :)  Just to let you know I'm still alive. 

Shout out to Cheri, who introduced me to the fitbit, which sounds like a nice reward for myself when the scale finally says I'm no longer in the 300s!  I hope to be there by May 1st. 

Good night, internet!


  1. Glad to hear that all went well at your apt!! And getting to move on to soft/mushy foods...that is something good to say!

  2. I love just hearing your appointment went well, and whatever you are eating - I'll be eating those things soon, and I find it all helpful. :-)

  3. Soft and mushies was HEAVEN after a 2-week pre-op diet and a week of post surgery liquids. I had mashed potatoes or scrambled eggs SO. MANY. TIMES. Glad to hear you're doing well!

  4. I can remember how thrilled I was to move onto mushies! Refried beans never tasted so good!

  5. Mashed potatoes FTW! Weightloss rewards are the best. I probably reward myself far too often.

  6. Congrats on your graduation to mushies!
